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Arroyo Grande General Plan Visioning Survey

City of Arroyo Grande General Plan Visioning Survey

Please complete the survey before July 15th. Click here

The City of Arroyo Grande is working on a comprehensive General Plan update that will consider many new goals and policies for existing elements such as housing, economic development, traffic and circulation, safety, and more to ensure Arroyo Grande is positioned to achieve its vision for the future. The current phase of the project involves developing a vision statement and guiding principles for the update. The vision statement and guiding principles will reflect what community members value most about their community and the shared aspirations for the city’s development into the future.

As part of that effort, we are soliciting feedback on the draft vision statements and guiding principles which have been drafted to reflect the priorities of the public that have participated in public workshops and previous surveys. Please take a moment to complete the survey before July 15th by choosing your preference for the vision statement and the six guiding principles here: