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Advertising Reservation Form

Chamber members have the opportunity to advertise at a low rate as a membership benefit—either as a digital ad on the Chamber's high-traffic website or as an e-newsletter in the Chamber's weekly news eblast.
Your info:
Please choose your digital ad size preference:
Ad specifications: vertical ad (235 pixels wide x 310 pixels tall); horizontal ad (485 pixels wide x 310 pixels tall); and featured ad (220 pixels wide x 290 pixels tall). Ad design is available for $40. The featured ad also includes a large e-newsletter in the monthly eblast. The specifications of the e-newsletter are 8.5 x 11 inches (the size of a regular flyer).
e-newsletter option:
Chamber members can also place an 8.5 x 11 e-newsletter in a Tuesday morning Chamber e-blast. Your e-newsletter will be hyperlinked to your preferred website or social media page. The current rate is $90 per e-newsletter. E-blasts are emailed to over 2,000 local business email addresses of business owners, managers, and staff.
Please indicate the preferred month/s of your advertising and/or date/s of your e-newsletter. Weekly e-newsletter publish every Tuesday. Digital ads are placed on the Chamber website for a full month, but multiple months can be reserved.
PNG or JPEG files only. Please email the Chamber at if you have any questions.
Please let us know if you have any questions. Your company will be invoiced week of publication. You can also email or call the Chamber office at (805) 489-1488.